Getting started

🤔 What is Hyperquery?

Hyperquery is a data notebook built for speed, visibility, and collaboration. You can write and execute SQL queries or Python cells directly within a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) notebook, and augment this work with rich formatting options. Moreover, you can also seamlessly parameterize your work using interactive components (variables, dropdowns, etc.). This makes Hyperquery a powerful, flexible tool to add to your data tooling arsenal, suiting more interactive deep dive use cases traditionally poorly handled by your dashboarding tool, your IDE, or Jupyter notebook.

🦄 How we're different

We pride ourselves on maintaining extreme syntactic parsimony (meaning ease of use) and presentability. If you know how to use SQL and/or Python, you already know how to use our app. And there are only a couple things to learn to open up a rich world of dynamic app-building capabilities to you.

🪄 Three things to learn

There are only three core concepts to learn to have full mastery of our platform:

1. 🗡 The / menu.

To access any command, open the / menu and type what you need. The most basic command - to create a query block - will always be / + enter. To create python blocks, you can run /py + enter. But additional functionality can be accessed through this menu as well (e.g. try /text or /drop). Unlike complex GUI- or code-based environments, you don't have to dig through documentation or clunky user interfaces to find the controls you need. And unlike cell-based Jupyter environments, your work is immediately ready for presentation, as soon as it's done.

2. 🔗 Reference using {.

Control blocks (like text input fields and dropdowns) and queries can be referenced by using {} syntax. For example, if you create a text input block called a, you can reference this value in a query block by writing {text_input}. You can similarly reference query blocks as nested subqueries from this same menu.

3. 🥷 Jinja! (optional)

We have full Jinja2 support. We render references first, then Jinja, meaning you can create extremely dynamic functions using both referenced values and Jinja syntax. If you're not familiar with Jinja, don't worry - it's not critical to using Hyperquery. But if you'd like to learn more, read our quick guide here: Jinja.